Narrative report:
We launched training workshops for the second axis of the # Fada project “Media Culture”. The trainers of the Life Ambassadors Foundation for Community Development met with the project coordinator and networked with the local community to target various groups from the Amman Governorate.
Based on the interaction of the participants in the first axis of digital education, the Solidarity Association in the Ashrafieh area demanded that media culture be given to another sample of young men and women from the local community.
Coordination was made with “Tlaa Al-Ali Secondary School” to provide the students with the computer teachers in the school, as the school principal sought to cover the school completely, and to send the activity teacher with a group of students to another school and give them the material.
Dr. Ali Kassab called from “Naour College” based on his students ’desire to give them media literacy as a second focus for Fada project.
Then we coordinated with the Friends of the City to give them a full course on media culture in two days, six hours each day.
The trainers began with the training workshops by introducing themselves, and introducing the Fada project and its sponsor, and its goal. They were known as “media literacy” and the duration of the session.
The trainers’ methods of introductory activities varied, as they attended “Naour College”, “Tadamun Al-Ashrafiya Institute” and “Tla`a Al-Ali School,” a box with separate words, and each participant took a paper and knew his name, then coined a sentence with the word that was on his paper. His colleague completes another sentence with the word he chose, which complements his colleague’s story, so that everyone forms a story with each other.
The story that the attendees wrote was filled with emotions of sadness, anger, surprise, happiness and joy.
From the introductory activity, we went to the story of media culture and how to learn media skills, which were reduced to (research / analyze / produce) and the goals of media education. Then we touched upon the media message, which is formulated by a private or media person, and this is the first principle of media messages …
Attendees in both workshops interacted very positively. Where the material provided was totally foreign to their minds.
Groups were distributed to train the establishment of the radio, and each group composed a radio name and a program name and chose three news stories to be transmitted to the listening audience. The participants love this exercise, and their comments were that they once dreamed of being an anchor for radio channels.
The students of “Naour College” were asked to view this exercise live on the page of the Life Ambassadors Foundation for Community Development.
Then the components of the news were explained, and how to ensure the correct news, and at each point we took the interventions of the participating young men and women.
And they were given the characteristics of the right news. And differentiate between true and false news. The presence of Ashrafieh asked: “Where do we find the right news in the globalization of this sweeping life?” So we told them how to choose reliable sources and go back to the first source to whom the news is attributed, and think about who are the news makers and what are their goals?
And we introduced the second and third principle …
One of the students of Nlaa Al-Ali School said, “After we know how to choose inks, we will be less intimidated by every news we hear, so we must remember the circle of news-making that has never stopped.”
The attendance of Ashrafieh and the students of Naour College demanded that they be given more information, while the school director extended the duration of the workshop for her students to get more information, but the challenge was the limited time due to the large number of important information that the participants would like to know.
The two workshops included one break for snacks and drinks. And the activity of breaking the deadlock to restore the spirit among the attendees.
The Dean of the College and the Human Development Officer at Naour College thanked us, and the Coordinator Abeer Al-Asha at the Tadamun Al-Ashrafiya Institute did so as the Life Ambassadors Foundation for Community Development.
The director of Tlaa Al-Ali School sent a letter of thanks.
As for the attendance of the City Friends Association, the coaches carried out the introductory activity in the manner of “expressive smiles” that were distributed to the participants, so that each person imitated the feeling he got, mentioned a position in it and introduces himself … and in two days we were able to complete the entire training material with all what was mentioned in five Media Culture Units.
The attendees were from the local community, as they attended teachers and officials of the Urban Development Association for Schools, a theater actor, a psychologist, and association owners who were eager for the material, as everyone crossed over how the great media balloon was violated with their own eyes, and began analyzing what comes to us with understanding and knowledge and searching for the source every time.
The psychologist said: “The media has had a great impact in changing the lives of entire families, after they invaded them with poisoned ideas that have no validity. You can turn a lie into something close to truth. But if we are all armed with knowledge, we will be aware and knowledgeable. “
The teachers shared their views on media ethics, how our time has become lacking in it, and that many teenage students photograph everything that their eyes fall on, forgetting the value of the human being and his inviolable dignity. They expressed their interest in targeting their schools, to place their students at the heart of media life.
In this comprehensive training for all the given material, there are two breaks each day, one for prayer, light food and drinks, and the second for lunch.
We, as the Ambassadors of Life Foundation, who are a project coordinator and trainers, thank IREX for this program, and we thank the Canadian embassy for their support.
Main achievements
1- Targeting different ages from 14 to 55 years of age, with information reaching all trainees in a positive and effective manner.
2- Training students (Naour College) during their exams, however, the students attended the four-hour training in full and positive interaction
3- The trainees will be fully present throughout the two days with the six-hour training, despite the rainy weather conditions, with great interaction.
4- The full commitment of the trainees to attend from the beginning of the first minute to the end of the last minute of training
5- Trainees request that additional training courses be given to them because they received training skills and information that they benefited from.
6- When it has a positive impact on the training material (with media and information education), the teachers of Tlaa Al-Ali School conducted a training program in which they provided training through the students who attended the training of the media material by giving it to the school’s students through a training program for activity classes in the school.
7_Training trainers of Syrian and Iraqi nationalities
8- The trainees were impressed by the cooperation that took place between the trainees’ team of the smoothness and arrangement to give the material dynamically and effectively.