Parliament House Election
Project to support youth participation and enhance their role in the Parliament House

Support youth participation and enhance their role in the Parliament House

Life Ambassadors Foundation for Community Development

Project to support youth participation and enhance their role in the 18th Parliament House 2016

an introduction :-

There is no doubt that young people are the present and the future, and they are the tool for change and drawing the future, especially in all economic, social, cultural, political and other fields and trends. Perhaps the most prominent of which is the participation of young people in the political process that begins with their participation and highlighting their vital role in parliamentary elections because of its great importance in participation. The interaction and the selection of their representatives in the parliament, which will be through the issuance of laws, regulations and legislation, and monitoring the performance of the government, which in turn will be reflected on the present and future of young people through their selection of their representatives, monitoring their performance and roles, and influencing them in their presence and participation within the council’s paper, so it is necessary to work with young people and help them achieve their goals Empowering them in the best way to perform their roles and responsibilities in an optimal and better way by clarifying their role, importance, reflection and impact in the future in addition to simplifying the way for them and overcoming obstacles and clarifying what the new election law is and what is guaranteed and what young people have and what they have and what is the role required of them to be through selecting the candidate on clear and solid foundations This will be done through all governorates, cities and regions And the villages and valley of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Project to support youth participation and enhance their role in the 18th Parliament, 2016

Project goals :-

1- Encouraging youth participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
2- Show the real role of youth participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
3- Clarify and explain the new election law of their rights and duties.
4- Giving them a general idea of ​​the role of parliaments and council members between reality and expectations.
5- Forming teams and working groups in the targeted areas and organizing the work of the groups in the right ways.
6- Building the capacities of young people, empowering them, offering them what is possible, and adopting their ideas and orientations that serve the project and support it as possible.
7- Launching advocacy campaigns within the topics chosen by the youth within the topics of supporting youth participation, working on them and following them up to achieve its goals.

Project launch steps: –

1- Selection of the target age group, and within the election law, from 18 to 35 years old.
2- Selection of the target area within the studies and surveys that are conducted in partnership with the relevant institutions.
3- Preparing business plans based on the above, including the nature of society, preparing youth, institutions working with young people in that region, and the mechanism for implementing work and achieving goals.
4 – Taking the official approvals and preparing the promotional and informational materials and supplies necessary to implement the project’s phases, steps and objectives.
5- Networking with all governmental and private institutions and civil society institutions related to that region and identifying the mechanism of cooperation and coordination.
6- Preparing the activities, events and campaigns to be held.
5- Starting the implementation of the stages of the plans and objectives of the project through publicity and information about the goals and objectives of the campaign through brochures and posters, printing the election law, designing short films and theatrical sketches on the importance of youth participation through workshops, public meetings, training courses, lectures, field work and presenting success stories of young people from the region And others, designing advocacy campaigns through the youth themselves, as part of the institution’s follow-up.